Viewing and understanding your notifications

Elevate will send you an email notification for any messages coming in from candidates who applied to any vacancy in your project, for any application newly created on these vacancies or any candidates withdrawing their application. You will also receive a notification regarding interview scheduling and confirmation.

There are a number of ways you can check your Notifications:

1. By Choosing Notifications from the Recruit Dashboard

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In the Notifications section of Recruit, you will see notifications showing up for a variety of reasons. The events you receive notifications for are as follows:

  • Vacancy applications

  • Candidates being shortlisted

  • An application being cancelled

  • Conversations

  • Offers being accepted or rejected

You will only see categories that you have notifications for. The other categories will be visible once a notification from that category comes in. Notifications are grouped by vacancy and are real time.

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  • Categories - You can filter your notifications by selecting the categories you need to see

  • Projects - Filter your notifications by projects

  • Read/Unread - Filter on notifications you have not yet opened

  • Vacancies - Search for notifications on a vacancy you want to work on


  • Click on View to pop up the Notification where you can action it straight away

  • Or on the blue Go to Vacancy button which will take you straight to the candidate's application.

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2. You can also view notifications on a Vacancy Level

Choose a role from the Vacancies List.

You will see all the most recent actions int the Notification Section of the Vacancy Dashboard

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To Subscribe or Unsubscribe to email notifications please refer to this Help Doc Turning off and On Notifications