How to post vacancies, review applicants, filter candidates, and interact with them

Elevate is an intelligent candidate sourcing platform. The system allows you to find the right candidates for your vacancy, quickly and easily.

We match candidates from our existing talent pools to your vacancy. We also publish your vacancy externally to drive applicants. All of the activity you, or the system perform, is underpinned by our continued investment in data science and machine learning technology to make hiring easier.

Below are some of the key advantages of using the Elevate platform.

Posting Vacancies

  • You get out what you put in. It is better to provide as much detail as possible for your vacancies, in order to attract better quality candidates
  • Create a vacancy in Elevate that appeals to candidates. Candidates often have a breadth of choice of work and to compete you need to be clever
  • Elevate provides a guided vacancy publishing workflow making this simple and easy to do

Reviewing applicants

  • Applicants are ranked. The best candidates will be at the top of the list on page 1
  • The Experience Relevance, Industry Relevance and Skills Groups enables you to review the top candidates and saves you time so that you don't need to review every applicant
  • Use Filters to make further sense of the applicants
  • Use the mini profile to gain more insight
  • Once you know a candidate is relevant view the full profile to really dig into their experience

Candidate experience

  • You, the Employer, are responsible for the candidate experience
  • The advantage of this, is that it enables you to engage with candidates using the features in Elevate to make sure your potential colleagues are happy
  • Remember, moving candidates out of the process is just as important. Use the Reject feature to tell candidates when they are no longer being considered

Using Elevate puts you in charge. Using this system, will empower you to make the most of your direct hiring efforts.